Using flowmeter measurements to improve quality
Coriolis flowmeters can measure in real time, saving time and money

Many food and beverage plants have to meet the requirements and regulations of the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), European Union (EU), etc. In many cases, compliance with these regulations requires lab analyses during and after production. This presents challenges as lab analyses aren’t in real time, are time-consuming, labor intensive and raise the possibility for manual errors. Coriolis flowmeters are often overlooked in the industry, however, provide a good alternative to lab analyses.
Lab analysis vs. inline measurement
To perform a lab test, technicians periodically take a grab sample, take it to an on-site facility for analysis and communicate the result to plant personnel. Operators and maintenance personnel then make adjustments and corrections to improve control of the process. Even if this process takes 30 minutes— the information represents the process 30 minutes ago — not now. The result could be a spoiled batch. If the measurement had been done inline, a sudden deviation would be detected.